Wir möchten dir den besten Service bieten, darum haben wir uns darauf konzentriert in einer Sache wirklich gut zu sein, als alles nur mittelmässig zu machen.
Wir beraten dich, damit du deinen perfekten Look findet.
Die Extended Eyelashes halten bis zu 4 Wochen.
Ohne verkleben, garantiert hochwertige Materialien.
Hohe Qualität und Haltbarkeit, selbst beim Baden.
Years of Experience
Awwards Received
Perfect Procedures
Satisfied Customers
Learn our work process.
If you choose the right length and do the procedure carefully, your native cilia will remain unharmed. If you choose the right length and do the procedure carefully, your native cilia will remain unharmed.
The masters of our studio are certified and have significant experience, which ensures high-quality performance of our services. We will advise you before the procedure and answer all questions.
The procedure will be easy and safe, thanks to high-class hypoallergenic materials and absolute sterility. We will individually select the length and technique of building that is suitable for you.
We can grow eyelashes of any volume, bend and thickness with which you will feel great!
If you choose the right length and do the procedure carefully, your native cilia will remain unharmed. And within two weeks after removing the extension of eyelashes, relatives will recover.